Dublin: -1 °C Friday 7 February, 2025

Jon Snow (Channel 4) met Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)

You knerr nuffin’, Jon Snerrs.

Updated 17.45

IT’S JON SNOW squared!

One knows nothing, one probably knows everything.

Jon Snow, veteran presenter of Channel 4 News, met Jon Snow (AKA Kit Harington) of Game of Thrones – their chat will be on Channel 4 News at 6.45pm tomorrow night.

UPDATE: We now have footage of Jon Snow (Channel 4) dressed up as Jon Snow (Game of Thrones). And it’s marvellous. You can watch it in full over on the Channel 4 News website, but here are a few nice gifs.

Shaving with a sword


Stalking the corridors of Channel 4 with a sword


Typing (with a sword in his mouth)



Which is your favourite Jon Snow? We can’t decide. :(

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Jon Snow got stuck in the Channel 4 lift>

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